Craigslist classified ads are a terrific way to advertise your eBiz or any product or service you offer. These classifieds now can be posted in 450 cities all around the world. CL gets over 8 billion page views each month. Over 30 million differing people search CL every 30 days. Those numbers show the huge potential for someone trying to get exposure and promote a good program.
There are a few simple CL guidelines that must be adhered to when posting a classified. There are also some methods to make your advertising far better in this somewhat unique site. By following this advice you will get much better results.
To post a classified you’ll first need to sign-up. Do not overdo it or CL might pull your ads. You will first choose a city to register under. It does not necessarily have to be the city where you live although there are benefits for that in some cases. You can register with different email addresses under different cities but
If you are posting an ad for a product or service use the most specific category you can find. You may think posting under a category that’s unrelated will bypass the competition. People that stumble upon your ad won’t be impressed, however, and they will know what you want to do. They will not likely want to consider an ad from someone that is trying to be difficult.
If you are posting for any business opportunity you ought to enter the classified under “services offered” after which “sm biz ads”. Some have tried other categories however the ads are usually removed so it’s not worth the work.
It is very effective to offer something free such being an e-book, a coupon, a video or something of value. It is usually better to encourage people to email you rather than providing a link aimed at your website. If you are doing internet affiliate marketing it also works best to not include your affiliate hyperlink. Many people will just bypass the link or visit the site but never contact you. If they email a person, however, you can correspond together and have them in your list to contact again later.
Remember, you will be competing with a large number of “make money”, “join me now”, “get rich” types associated with ads. Being more generic as well as offering something of value will get more attention and prospects may wish to learn more.
If you are posting multiple classifieds within the same or even different cities you have to vary the ad copy. The headlines and your body of the ad should not be similar to other ads you have posted or they’ll be blocked by Craigslist. Additionally, it is best to keep it to no more than one posting per day on this site.
Do not underestimate Craigslist simply because it is free. More and more people search this site every day. It is a great way to test your ad copy to see what is working before you decide to pay to post something on another site. Having a regularly scheduled time for you to post ads on Craigslist will help you promote your programs and can increase your profits.
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